Recent Activities

By — Mon, 9 Jun 2014


The past two meets have seen a few new faces pop in and bring with them some exciting gadgets to play with. Stefan bought in his jaw-dropping Occulus rift and Brett brought in a new 3D printable quadcopter chassis that he is putting together.

It's a really active time for the bHack and we're seeing a lot of activity from all around the community. We are continuing to look for more ways to engage and educate the community on what our hackerspace is all about and what we have planned for the future. With respect to this engagement, one of our core members will be on loca ABC radio during the Tech Talk slot at 10.30am, Tuesday the 10th of June. If you want to learn more about the space, what we're about and where we're heading then make sure you tune in.

If you weren't aware the bHack team will be participating in this years GovHack challenge between 11-13 July 2014. Ballarat will be amongst the first of two regional cities to establish an official GovHack site and we'll be there to both participate and support.

Also a final friendly reminder that bHack will be holding a public meeting to incorporate our association at 7.00pm this Thursday the 12 June 2014 at the Pilates Ballarat Studio located at 113 Albert Street Sebastopol. Event link:

We hope to see you there.