We've designed the Ballarat Hackerspace to meet the needs of a wide range of participants. There are no lock-in contracts, and a number of options exist to join or support us.
Joining the space is easy, and in the first instance is free. Note that you *must* be a paid member to use any tools in the space, but dropping in for a chat is always free.
If you already know your plan, skip through to the membership options here. If you just want to support us, but don't want a membership, we also have plenty of sponsorship options here.
If you aren't sure what to do follow our three-step process to becoming a member (that you can stop at any step)!
Our session opening hours are available here.
From there, if you want to use the space full time, you can sign up for the higher tiers of membership.
We have a growing list of projects and project ideas for adults and kids. These projects are at all levels, including complete beginner, and this list is growing over time.
If you just need to use the space once or twice (or will be spreading out your visits), then the one-shot pass might be for you. It grants access to the space during our opening hours, for one session only.
It's just $10. You can pay by cash on the day by giving to the official on-duty member. Card payment facilities are incoming as well.
Note that to use the one-shot option, you *still* need to be a signed up member, just without a membership option. Head to our page on TidyHQ here, create an account (but don't get any membership option). That gives you an account, and pay when you come in next time.
We have a number of member packages available for you to choose from. As a non-profit, all our membership fees are invested directly back into to provide new tools, maintaining existing tools and maintaining an inventory of parts and pieces for your projects.
Joining is really, really, easy ...
If not paying by Credit Card, please set up a regular bank transfer for your membership payment:
Name: Ballarat Hackerspace Inc
BSB : 193-879
Account No: 468 349 494
Please use the name we will know you as in the payment description.
If you're not ready to become a member but you want to be kept in the loop of things that are happening, or preparing to happen, at the space then just registering with our TidyHQ account will ensure you get all the pre-release information for new workshops and events.
To sign up is even easier than becoming a member.